Soft Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts: Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbs, and More

Soft Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts: Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbs, and More

Eggs have been part of our diet for centuries, and are celebrated for their versatility and nutritional value. Whether added to your favorite salad, cracked over a burger, or simply eaten with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, there’s no denying that soft boiled eggs are delicious. But are they good for you?

In this article, we’ll unpack the hotly-debated topic of soft boiled egg nutrition facts. We’ll cover soft boiled egg calories, as well as how much protein, fat, and carbs each egg delivers. Plus, we’ll uncover some of the hidden nutritional facts you might not know about soft boiled eggs.

If you find the numbers appealing and think soft boiled eggs could be an important addition to your diet, we’ll also show you a hack to make simple, perfect soft boiled eggs every time!

What is a Soft Boiled Egg?

Before we crack open the soft boiled egg nutrition facts, let’s explore exactly what a soft boiled egg is, and how it’s different from other methods of cooking eggs.

Defining the Soft Boiled Egg

A soft boiled egg is a partially cooked egg in which the egg white is gently set, while the yolk remains delightfully runny and creamy. Usually, soft boiling eggs involves immersing them in gently boiling water for a brief period, typically between 4 to 6 minutes. 

This gentle cooking method ensures that the yolk retains its runny, creamy texture, making it a luscious treat when paired with toast, vegetables, or enjoyed on its own. Soft boiled eggs are often presented in egg cups, where the top of the shell is gently cracked open to reveal the tender yolk inside. 

How it Differs from Other Egg Preparations: Hard-Boiled, Poached, and More

Unlike the soft boiled egg, a hard-boiled egg is cooked for a longer duration, typically 9 to 12 minutes, until both the egg white and yolk are fully set. This results in a firm, solid yolk that's perfect for slicing and chopping, often used in salads, sandwiches, or as a standalone snack.

On the other hand, poaching involves cracking an egg and gently sliding it into simmering water. While poached eggs have a runny yolk similar to soft boiled eggs, they lack the protective shell, making them ideal for dishes like Eggs Benedict or as a tasty topping for your favorite bowl.

Fried eggs are cooked in a skillet, usually with oil or butter. The yolk can be left runny or cooked through, depending on personal preference, and they are often served on their own or added to burgers and sandwiches.

Scrambled eggs are beaten and cooked in a pan until they form soft, curd-like pieces. The result is a fluffy and fully cooked egg mixture that can be seasoned and customized with various ingredients, making it a breakfast favorite worldwide.

Soft Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts: Is This a Healthy Snack Worth Adding to Your Diet?

It’s now time to peel open some soft boiled egg nutrition facts. What are the calories in a soft boiled egg? What about soft boiled egg protein content? Here’s everything you need to decide whether soft boiled eggs are a worthy addition to your dinner plate. 

How Many Calories in a Soft Boiled Egg?

A single soft boiled egg contains approximately 70 to 80 calories, depending on the size of the egg. The calories in a soft boiled egg are lower than many people realize, making it a great low-calorie option for either snacking or adding to your favorite meal. 

How Much Protein in Soft Boiled Egg?

A soft boiled egg typically provides around 5 to 6 grams of protein, making it an excellent protein source, especially for individuals following a vegetarian or low-meat diet. While the protein in soft boiled eggs might not seem a lot, soft boiled eggs are over 12% protein. Plus, one single soft boiled egg can supply almost 10% of your daily protein requirements, depending on your size, activity level, and other factors. 

How Many Carbs in Soft Boiled Egg?

Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy, but soft boiled eggs are exceptionally low in carbs. A single egg usually contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates, making it an attractive option for those on low-carb or ketogenic diets. The low carb count is one of the reasons why the calories in a soft boiled egg are also relatively low. 

How Much Fat in Soft Boiled Egg?

While eggs do contain fat, the majority of it is healthy unsaturated fat that’s important for heart health, managing inflammation, and more. A soft boiled egg generally contains about 4 to 5 grams of fat, which is perfectly healthy, especially considering the protein in soft boiled eggs and other essential nutrients. 

Other Vitamins and Nutrients You’re Getting

In addition to fat, carbohydrates, and protein in soft boiled eggs, soft boiled egg nutrition facts include essential vitamins and minerals. They are an excellent source of vitamin B12, which is crucial for nerve function and red blood cell production. 

Also, soft boiled eggs provide vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function, and choline, which supports brain health and cognitive function. 

Knowing the Soft Boiled Eggs Calories, Protein, Fat, Carbs, and More, Do These Belong in Your Diet?

So, now that we’ve evaluated the soft boiled egg nutrition facts, what do you think? Do these tasty morsels meet your nutritional standards? Generally, soft boiled eggs considered nutritional powerhouses and are a valuable addition to your diet, unless you have special dietary needs or requirements. 

The high soft boiled egg protein levels, plus a decent amount of powerful healthy fats, critical micronutrients, and essential vitamins pretty much puts eggs in their own class of superfood. 

Plus, soft boiling an egg means you’re not adding butter, oil, cream, or anything else that’s sometimes used in the preparation of eggs - you’re just getting the goodness of eggs, exactly as nature intended. 

How to Add Soft Boiled Eggs to Your Diet Quickly and Easily With Eggbath

If you’re impressed by the amount of soft boiled egg protein on offer and want to add these delicacies to your diet, you’re in the right place. Perfecting the art of cooking a soft boiled egg is usually not an easy task, and requires lots of experimentation with different cooking times and water temperatures. Plus, even if you do get it perfect, it’s very hard to do it consistently. 

At least, that’s how it’s been until now…

Introducing Eggbath: The Effortless and Efficient Soft Boiled Egg Maker

With EggBath, you can make even a Michelin star chef jealous of your perfect soft boiled eggs. This countertop soft boiled egg maker is the perfect, low-maintenance device to help you make creamy, delicious soft boiled eggs, each and every time. It’s so easy to use EggBath that you can even shower, get ready for work, or take care of some morning chores while it’s working its magic. 

Why Eggbath Outperforms Traditional Methods

The old-school way of soft boiling eggs involved bringing a pot of water to the boil, gently adding the eggs without burning your fingers, and watching them like a hawk for several minutes until you hoped they were done. With no real way of knowing, it wasn’t until you cracked into the eggs that you knew whether or not it was a success. 

EggBath makes things a little more simple. With an internal timer that ensures the perfect soft boiled egg every time, this stress-free technique is much more consistent. Plus, you don’t need to stare at your eggs while they cook - EggBath knows when they’re ready, so you can multitask while your meal prep takes care of itself. 

Tips for Getting Started

Using EggBath couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is add your eggs to the camber, add boiling water up to the fill line, and put on the lid. Then, you can walk away while the water slowly drains down into the catcher. 

There’s an internal timer so that your eggs are cooked perfectly every time. Once your eggs are ready, all you need to do is decide how to eat them! 

Bringing Our Conversation on the Soft Boiled Egg Nutrition Facts to a Close

The soft boiled egg nutrition facts tell us that not only are eggs an incredible, nutrient-dense addition to our diet, but also that soft boiled eggs are one of the healthiest, most effective ways of cooking eggs while still retaining all their nutritional value. 

If you’re ready to enjoy the health benefits and incredible taste of creamy, rich soft boiled eggs, you’ve come to the right place. With EggBath, you can cook the perfect soft boiled eggs, every time, with absolutely zero time and effort. 

You deserve restaurant-quality eggs, and now you can have them. Discover the perfect soft boiled eggs with EggBath today!

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